Friday, March 4, 2011

Target Trip 3/4/11 - Stocked up on Charmin Sensitive 18pk, for $5.36 each!

Who doesn't need Bath Tissue? With a family of 5, I definately do! As a matter of fact, I was soooo excited about this deal this week, because I was almost out. I was able to stock up for only $5.36 ea. Here's how I did it.

Total: 39.96. Paid: $21.46. Earned $5.00 Target Gift Card
Total Transactions: 2

Target Ad for week of 2/27/11 - 3/5/11:
Buy 2 Charmin Sensitive 18pk, $9.99 each, get a $5.00 Gift Card

Transaction #1
(2) Charmin Sensitive 18pk, $9.99 ea.
Total: $19.98

(2) $2.00 off Target coupons from Sunday Inserts
(2) $0.75 off Manufacturer coupons from Sunday Inserts
Total Coupons: $5.50

Total Out of Pocket: $14.48
Earn a $5.00 gift card

Transaction #2 - Here's where it gets REALLY exciting!
(2) Charmin Sensitive 18pk, $9.99 ea.
Total: $19.98

(2) $2.00 off Target coupons from Sunday Inserts
(2) $2.00 off Manufacturer coupons from INSIDE the packages you just bought from the previous purchase!
 (Now, look at the picture above again, and notice on the upper right hand corner of each package? See how it states Save $30.00? I ripped open the packages after I bought them, while I was standing there doing my second transactions, wipped out my scissors and cut them right there! You may be shy, I know I would have been when I started couponing, you can take your first load to the car and do your business there and return to the store again, but hey, that's a waste of time and with a 2 year old in tow, I like to get in & out of the stores as quickly as possible!)
(1) $5.00 Gift card from the PREVIOUS transaction.
Total Coupons: $ 13.00!

Total Out of Pocket: $6.98.
Earn a $5.00 gift card

Total of both transactions: $21.46
That means each package only cost you $5.36 ea
AND you STILL have a $5.00 gift card to use on your next purchase

Go me, go me!
I was seriously so happy, I wanted to do a victory dance out of the store, but I kept my composure and just danced in my car as I was driving away!

Happy Saving!
 - Veronica


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