There is 1 transaction you can do if you printed the Pedicare $3.00 off coupon from
(2) Pediacare Infants Fever Reducer .5oz $5.99 each.
(1) Walgreen's in-ad coupon for $5.00 off Pediacare (will take off $10.00)
(1) $3.00 off 2 Pediacare
Final Price: FREE
Also, This works on Pediacare Childrens Cold for $6.99, so you'll pay. $0.98 for 2 OR
If you buy Pediacare Childrens Cold & Cough for $7.49, it will be $1.98 for 2!
I had 4 printable coupons so I did this 4 times and bought 8. (1) of the $5.99 ones, (2) of the $6.99 ones, and (1) of the $7.49 ones. Hey, I won't need to "buy" Pediacare for a loooong time!
Maybelline Eye Studio Trios $6.49, Buy 1 Get 1 50% off
Use 2 $1.50 off Maybelline New York Eye Studio Product – (
Use Walgreens $1.00 off Maybelline Color Sensational Pearl Lip, FitMe Foundation or Powder, Lash Stiletto Mascara or Eye Studio Trios from Spring Beauty Guide - Found in store, just ask for it! (It takes $2.00 off)
Final Price: $2.36 each
Use 2 $1.50 off Maybelline New York Eye Studio Product – (
Use Walgreens $1.00 off Maybelline Color Sensational Pearl Lip, FitMe Foundation or Powder, Lash Stiletto Mascara or Eye Studio Trios from Spring Beauty Guide - Found in store, just ask for it! (It takes $2.00 off)
Final Price: $2.36 each
If all you have is this week's Sunday paper, then you'll only be able to do 2 transactions at Walgreens this week (well, technically you can do any transaction you want, you just won't have the coupons for them). Unfortunately, they are not great deals, but I'll give them to you anyways, in case you need any of these items.
(2) Softsoap Body Wash 15 or 18 oz. 2 for $7.00
No Coupons
Total: $7.00
Earn $5.00 Register Rewards
(2) Jergens Natural Glow Products $7.99 each
(2) $1.00 off Jergens Natural Glow Face or Body Moisturizer printable
Total: 13.98
Earn $5.00 Register Rewards
If you want to use a clipping service to get older coupons, or to even get whole inserts from the past Sunday's papers, just go to Coupon Dede.
Happy Shopping!
- Veronica

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